Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Warsaw Poland WWII 1944 = Gaza Palestine today 2009

Warsaw Poland WWII 1944 = Gaza Palestine today 2009

Warsaw Poland WWII 1944 = Gaza Palestine today 2009

You want to stop terrorism do not participate in it.when you occupy land of the Palestinian they have all the right to rezist. Like Polish peole rezist Hitler and Stallin
It is time we all stood up to the liars in our media and in our congress, senate and in the White House and say, No more, no more—Israel must stop this barbarism, this Hitlerian behavior or must be condemned and cut off from any aid from the United States and its allies in the world. If we do any less, then we are complicituous in this new holocaust, and no parades, moral duty to stand up and demand this stop.
Rising - The Forgotten Soldiers of WWII 1944 Gaza Palestine today 2009
By Lech Alex Bajan - Jan 13th, 2009 at 12:40 pm EST

The humanitarian crisis continues in Gaza - 13 Jan 09

Powstanie Warszawskie - Godzina "W"

Israel to Get $30bn US Defense Aid

RAMALLAH/GAZA CITY, 30 July 2007 — Prime Minister Ehud Olmert yesterday announced a new $30 billion US defense aid package to preserve Israel’s regional military superiority, as he appreciated Washington’s wishes to boost moderate Arab states through weapons sales.

“This is an increase of 25 percent for the military aid to Israel from the United States. I think this is a significant and important increase in defense aid to Israel,” Olmert said at the opening of the weekly Israeli Cabinet meeting.

Olmert added that the aid package was offered during his meeting with US President George W. Bush in Washington on June 20.

“This would mean a lot to Israel’s security, and this is a good opportunity to thank President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice,” Olmert said.

Other Israeli ministers stressed during the Cabinet meeting Israel’s need to secure its “quality advantage” over its neighbors in the Mideast and the US’ major role in maintaining this advantage.

“Defense aid to Israel is still a top priority for the United States,” Olmert told the Cabinet, adding that Israel enjoys more financial assistance than other countries in the Middle East.

“We have renewed agreements and a renewed commitment from the Americans that would help preserve our advantage over the Arab countries,” Olmert said, referring to reports by the New York Times and the Washington Post that the US is mulling a $20 billion arms deal with Gulf states and increasing military aid to Egypt to $13 billion over 10 years.

The deal with Gulf states includes advanced satellite-guided bombs, upgrades to their fighter jets and new naval vessels. It has reportedly raised concerns in Israel and among its supporters in the Congress. However, Olmert said that Israel fully understood the US’ need to support the moderate states in the region.

“We understand the US’ need to assist the moderate Arab states, which are standing in one front with the United States and us in the struggle against Iran,” Olmert said, referring to its nuclear program.

Israeli security officials called the increase in military aid “an unusual achievement.”

According to Israeli diplomatic sources, the final details about the new aid package to the Jewish state will be worked out during the visit by US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns to the region, adding that his visit is slated for mid-August.

US defense aid to Israel began in 1973 but a regular 10-year aid plan — with the previous one expiring this summer — was institutionalized in 1977 as part of the Egypt-Israel peace agreement, the official said.

The military aid is made up of 75 percent US military hardware, ranging from ammunition to warplanes, with the other 25 percent in cash, which goes mainly toward securing new Israeli-made weapons.

Support Our Allies - They Support Us?
"...For Your Freedom and Ours..."
Gen. T. Kosciuszko (Poland and America's Patriot)

- Poland sent combat troops to Iraq, Afghanistan , Kosovo, Panama, Haiti, Polish Army's Peacekeepers in Golan Heights, Americans during the war.
- Polish troops are responsible for security in 1 of the 4 zones in Iraq
- 20,000 soldiers from 17 countries served under Polish command
Poland sent its elite commando unit, GROM, which means thunder. It helped secure the port at Umm Qasr, which was vital to delivering aid to Iraq. The unit also secured nearby oil platforms before they could be sabotaged.

In the first Gulf War, Polish intelligence officers snuck into Iraq to rescue a group of CIA operatives trapped behind enemy lines.

Poland's secret agents disguised CIA agents as Polish construction workers and smuggled them out of Baghdad.
This was not the first time Polish soldiers risked their lives for our freedom. Generals Casimir Pulaski and Tadeusz Kosciuszko were two of the first foreigners to fight in the American Revolution. Kosciuszko designed and oversaw the construction of West Point. After that, he returned to Poland, where he led a democratic uprising. As a result of that fight, Poland had the first written democratic constitution in Europe, second in the world only to the U.S.


I have to bring to your attention. What kind of:
How autocratic our Homeland Security in US is.

New US military aid to Israel and the Lieberman-Kyl amendment bring the US closer to war with Iran, say Greens

For Immediate Release:
Monday, October 8, 2007

Contacts: Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-518-5624, mclarty@greens.org
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator, 916-995-3805, starlene@gp.org

Greens: Bush has no credibility on Iran, but Democrats and Republicans are lining up behind Bush's next military disaster

WASHINGTON, DC -- Green Party leaders strongly cautioned that the combination of a $30 billion military aid package for Israel and growing threat of a US or US-backed Israeli attack on Iran could trigger a major regional conflagration in the Middle East.

"There's little doubt that the $30 billion in US taxpayers money sent to Israel will be used for two things: to maintain Israel's illegal and murderous military occupation of Palestinian lands, and to prepare for a military assault on Iran," said Paul "zool" Zulkowitz, a member of the Green Party's Peace Action Committee (GPAX). "The new military aid for Israel and the Lieberman-Kyl amendment, passed on September 26 with strong bipartisan support, have brought the the US closer to war with Iran."

Greens stressed that White House claims that Iran is assisting Shiite militias in Iraq and plans to produce nuclear weapons for possible use against Israel or western nations have been contested. Iran has denied such intentions; Greens noted that such use would amount to suicide for Iran.

"The Bush Administration, after its deceptive rationales for invading Iraq, should have no credibility on Iran or any other foreign policy," said Justine McCabe, Connecticut Green and co-chair of the party's International Committee. "Unfortunately, Democrats -- especially presidential candidates like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama -- have signed on to the AIPAC-Neocon-Republican line that an attack on Iran is 'not off the table.' If a global war starts because Bush ordered an attack, it'll be a bipartisan disaster, like the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and the continuing Middle East crisis."

In one scenario, confirmed by Newsweek, Vice President Cheney considered asking Israel to launch a missile attack either on a nuclear power site in Natanz, Iran, or on an alleged Syrian-Iranian-North Korean nuclear installation in northern Syria, which might result in a retaliatory strike that would motivate a larger US military assault on Iran. Israel has already launched an air strike on the suspected Syrian site in September.

"The Lieberman-Kyl amendment designates Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps as a 'foreign terrorist organization.' The amendment makes the Iran military a target in President Bush's 'war on terror.' This is a major step towards a military confrontation with Iran, whether the attack comes from the US or Israel or both," said John V. Walsh, delegate from the Massachusetts Green-Rainbow Party to the Green Party's National Committee.

The Green Party has called for an international effort towards nuclear disarmament of all Middle Eastern and western Asian nations, including Israel and Pakistan, which are known to possess nuclear weapons, as part of a greater global nuclear disarmament project. Greens have called the Bush Administration hypocritical for condemning Iran while expanding US nuclear weapons programs and after removing the US from antinuclear treaties. The party has called for the US to rejoin the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, and eliminate American nuclear weapons. Greens have also accused the Bush Administration of squandering pro-US sentiment that exists among many Iranians in its attempt to vilify their country.

The Green Party has sharply criticized both Democrats and Republicans for maintaining support for Israel's six-decades-long violations of civilian human rights and bowing to the demands of AIPAC and certain Christian rightwing lobbies that the US endorse the Israeli government's military ambitions and ethnic policies. (Israel has placed the Gaza Strip under siege and threatens to cut off water and fuel supplies, to punish civilians over rocket attacks launched by militias.)

The Green Party calls for negotiation by both sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; a cut-off in US military aid to Israel; and an economic boycott of Israel until the latter recognizes full human rights, including the right of return for Palestinians and abolition of internal apartheid laws. Greens have called for support for Israeli and Palestinian groups seeking peaceful resolution, observance of human rights, and a halt to all violence and coercion directed against civilians.


Green Party of the United States
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Sunday, December 14, 2008

History - WW II - The Free Polish Forces - 48:05 MIN long video must watch

History - WW II - The Free Polish Forces - 48:05 MIN long video must watch

Monday, July 17, 2006

Breaking the Nazi Enigma code by Poland

Breaking the Nazi Enigma code by Poland

The Enigma Code Breach
By Jan BuryE-Mail: yahya(at)orient.uw.edu.pl
Contents1. Foreword2. Polish Pre-War Code Breakers in the Early Period (1930s)3. The Methods of Cipher Breach4. Beginning of the W.W.II - Evacuation to France5. Conclusions6. Sources
1. ForewordThere have been numerous articles and books about the Enigma code breach. However, the role that the Polish cryptologists' school had played in it has always been omitted. Such an approach was spread since 1974, when F. W. Winterbotham published a book titled "The Ultra Secret," where he claimed that the British were the first to break this cipher. It is very little known in the West, that the first to break the Enigma-enciphered messages were the Poles and this happened in the 1930s.
There in also an absurd version spread by Mr. Winterbotham, who claims that the British got an Enigma from Poles, who apparently had stolen a set from a German factory, thanks to their mythical agent who was employed there.
My intention was to make a reliable approach for a reader in the West concerning the greatest mystery of World War II. I decided to base on the published sources that are available in Poland and are considered as official and reliable.
Polish 3 Rotor Enigma Machine
2. Polish Pre-War Code Breakers In The Early Period (1930s)The first trials in Poland to break the newly introduced cipher by the Wehrmacht and Kriegsmarine were in 1928. The messages that were encoded with a new cipher were being picked up by four Polish ELINT stations: in Warsaw, Starogard near Gdansk (or then Danzig), in Poznan and in Krzeslawice near Cracow. Unfortunately, the methods involved in breaking the cipher code were fruitless. It seemed that the new cipher was a strong cryptography and cannot be cracked in an easy way. Therefore, the Ciphers Office (BS) of the Polish Army's General Staff decided to ask mathematicians for help. In January 1929, the Dean of the Department of Mathematics, Professor Zdzislaw Krygowski from the University of Poznan, made a list of his best graduating students who could have started working at the Ciphers Office. Later these students graduated a course of cryptography prepared by the Office. The best were: Marian Rejewski, Jerzy Rozycki and Henryk Zygalski who could work both at the University and at the General Staff's Ciphers Office without any problems at that time.
In the autumn of 1930, a new branch of the Ciphers Office was opened in utmost secrecy in Poznan. Rejewski, as well as his colleagues were employed there. In 1932, the group was moved to Warsaw, to start working on the Enigma Cipher. Their first success was a German Navy 4-letter cipher break. Rejewski was considered a leading cryptologist within the group. He was looking forward the new way of breaking the sophisticated German code. Since the Polish intelligence got an Enigma machine, Rejewski could develop the scheme of encryption from the mathematical point of view. Unfortunately, that machine was a commercial product, and the German army used the more complicated Enigma with auxiliary connectors' plate at the front panel.
During 1931, Polish Intelligence co-operated with the French Deuxieme Bureau, which led a most important agent within the Reichswehr Cipher's Office. Rejewski got a description of the militarised Enigma, as well as old keys tables. This helped him to eliminate many unknown figures in the permutation-alike equation he had previously created. Finally, in December 1932, Rejewski reconstructed the Enigma's internal connections. In January, 1933, the two other cryptologist became also involved in Rejewski's work. In the same month, the first German messages were decrypted. Since then, the General Staff had access to the most secret data transmitted by the German Army, Navy, Air Force, as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
It is being estimated, that during the 6-year period of Polish reading of the Enigma messages (between January, 1933 and September, 1939), about 100.000 transmissions were deciphered. The most important concerned the remilitarization of the Rhine Province, Anschluss of Austria and seizure of the Sudetenland, the last could be dangerous to Poland's interests.
The fact that the Enigma cipher was cracked was kept in the utmost secrecy even within the Polish General Staff's II Directorate. The officers got the messages signed with a code-name "Wicher" (that was the Enigma code break) that were considered fully reliable, but the source was classified.
In 1934, the General Staff's Cipher Office established a new site for their German branch (BS-4) in the Kabaty Forest near Warsaw. Rejewski and his colleagues have been working there until the breakout of WW II on 1 September, 1939.
Although the French helped the Poles with the Enigma code break, the fact was in exclusive hands of Poles until July 1939.
3. The Methods Of Cipher BreachIn February 1933, the Polish Army's General Staff placed an order at the AVA Radio Workshops in Warsaw to build military Enigma doubles. During that time, the General Staff possessed only one Enigma that was of a commercial type, without front panel auxiliary connectors that made the cipher stronger. By mid-1934, about 15 "made in Poland" Enigma's have been delivered. By the end of August 1939, about 70 such units were produced.
On 15 September, 1938, just two weeks before the conference in Munich, the Germans changed drastically their methods of using the Enigma cipher. Since the new key scheme seemed to be more complicated, the Polish cryptologists invented the first mechanical pseudo-computers to help them in their work. In October 1938, Rejewski designed a machine named "bomba kryptologiczna" (a cryptologic bomb), which was soon produced at the AVA Workshops. Also a "cyclometer" machine helped to assess the pattern of the key.
Simultaneously, the new method of a double-key crack was invented, which consisted of using sheets of paper with 51 by 51 holes (each set consisted of 26 sheets). The method allowed finding convergent places for the entire set.
However, starting with December 1938, the Germans upgraded their Enigma machines with 2 extra ciphering rotors (altogether 5 rotors). Although the Polish cryptographers could still read the German messages, the mass decryption effort required using 60 instead of only six cryptologic bombs and 60 paper sheets sets. During mid-July, 1939, Chief-of-Staff Lt.-Gen. Waclaw Stachiewicz, authorised the Ciphers Office to share all their knowledge on Enigma with the allied intelligence services. The representatives of France and England got Polish-made clones of the Enigma encryption machine during the meeting in Warsaw between 24 and 26 July, 1939. On 16 August 1939, General Stewart Menzies was given a copy of Enigma at the Victoria Station in London. The British begun to read the Enigma messages in mid-August, 1939.
4. Beginning Of The W.W.II - Evacuation To FranceOn 1 September 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland. The Ciphers Office, as well as ELINT surveillance stations were evacuated to Romania. While the situation on the front deteriorated, and the Soviet Union invaded Poland on 17 September 1939, the Ciphers Office received an order to destroy all documentation and equipment. Rejewski, Zygalski and Rozycki got to France during the last days of September 1939.
In October 1939, a joint Polish-French radio intelligence centre in Gretz-Armainvillers near Paris was created. It was given a code name "Bruno." Furthermore, the "Bruno" centre had a Teletype link to Gov't Code and Ciphers School in England. There were also Spanish code breakers employed at "Bruno" to crack the Spanish and Italian ciphers.
3 Rotor Enigma Machine
Enigma Machine, Closed
Enigma Machine
Enigma Machine Plug Panel
Enigma Machine Rotors
Military Grade Enigma
Military Grade Enigma
Military Grade Enigma
Civil-Use Enigma
Civil-Use Enigma
An Early Enigma Model B
The main problem the cryptologists were facing was the exchange of the key system, which took place in the German Army on 1 July, 1939. The first decrypted message at the "Bruno" centre on 17 January 1940 was from 28 October 1939.
The most helpful messages to assess the routine of the German Army Signals Corps were those sent every day just before 2400 hours. There was important information on call signs, wavelengths, and hours of operation, etc.
Pre-war French Enigma clone made thanks to the Polish Intelligence
Lacida – A Polish-made crypto machineused in diplo communications.Photo from 'Szyfr Enigmy - Metody Zlamania' book
An Enigma Machine

‘Cryptologic bomb’ machine (Bomba kryptologiczna) - drawing from M.Rejewski’s papers
There were also false messages to deceive the enemy ELINT/SIGINT efforts, sent by the Germans. However, the most characteristic messages were: situation reports sent in the morning, noon, afternoons, evenings; intelligence reports; orders; logistic reports and others. The unit's most important effort was the warning about the German preparation to attack France.
On 10 June 1940, the "Bruno" unit got an order to evacuation. On 24 June 1940 the cryptologists were evacuated by three French Air Force aeroplanes to Algeria. In mid-July 1940, the unit started to work clandestinely in Algiers. The Poles were enrolled into the Polish Armed Forces Branch "300" of the II Directorate, General Staff.

Enigma’s Ciphering Rotors
Enigma’s Ciphering Rotors
Cyclometer machineDrawing from M.Rejewski’s papers
The Polish cryptologists were however to come back soon to occupied France under a secret agreement between the Polish and Free French governments and continue their work in underground in the City of Fouzes near Nimes. In the beginning of October 1940, the new secret unit was formed in Fouzes and code-named "Cadix." The "Bruno" centre successor decrypted the following types of German messages:
- German military orders to the units in Europe and in Libya,- SS and Police (Polizei) messages from Europe,- Spy radio communications between the field agents in Europe or in Libya and Abwehr HQ in Stuttgart,- Diplomatic communications and German Armistice Commission's- Communications in Wiesbaden and their branches in France and in North Africa.
Italian Naval crypto officers operating an Enigma machine.They do not know the cipher has been broken by Allied forces
Photocopy of M.Rejewski’sMaster of Philosophy diploma fromPoznan University dated 1 March 1929
Furthermore, the Fouzes "Cadix" unit got a branch in Algiers, led by a Polish II Directorate's officer, Maj. (later Maj.-Gen.) M. Z. Rygor-Slowikowski. The unit was located in the Kouba villa in Algiers' Kouba suburbs. Most of the intelligence gathered by his unit were used in preparation of the "Torch" allied operation (North Africa Landing). Note that the "Kouba" (a.k.a. PO-1 branch) unit encrypted their messages using a Polish-made LCD (a.k.a. "Lacida") enciphering machine, which consisted of a modified Remington typewriter combined with enciphering rotors.
Unfortunately, on 9 January 1942, Jerzy Rozycki died when M/S "Lamoriciere" he was travelling by, sunk near Balearic Isles.
Because of German ELINT threat, the unit's members were evacuated on 6 November 1942. Rejewski and Zygalski managed to get to neutral Spain. Later, via Gibraltar, they were transferred to England, where they started working at the Polish Army Signals Corps in Boxmoor near London, in fact for the Polish Armed Forces Branch "300" of the II Directorate. They later cracked the German SS formations cipher.
5. ConclusionsThe ability to read the enemy's communications by the allied forces was very important factor, which undoubtedly has contributed to the victory over the Nazi Germany. It was the most important source on the Nazi Germany that the West had. Perhaps, the Soviets were also given intelligence gathered in such a way.
Unfortunately, there is no evidence that the Poles made any worth use of the intelligence they gathered from Enigma coded messages before 1939. Furthermore, the fact that they possessed such a ability was known by the British. There is also an interesting event, that the Enigma cipher's algorithm was considered strong, and was used in the Unix OS encryption in the 1970s.
6. Sources1. Krzysztof Gaj: Szyfr Enigmy. Metody Zlamania [Enigma Cipher. The methods of Breaking], WKL, Warsaw 1989. 2. Wladyslaw Kozaczuk: W kregu Enigmy [In the Enigma Circle], KiW, Warsaw 1986.3. Andrzej Peplonski: Wywiad Polskich Sil Zbrojnych na Zachodzie 1939-1945.[Polish Armed Forces, Intelligence in the West 1939-1945], AWM, Warsaw 1995.
4. Marian Rejewski: 'An Application of the Theory of Permutations in Breaking the Enigma Cipher'in: Applicaciones Mathematicae. 16, No. 4, Warsaw 1980.
5. Marian Rejewski: 'How Polish Mathematicians Deciphered the Enigma'; in: Annals of the History of Computing. Arlington, Vol. 3, No. 3, July 1981.
Jerzy Rozycki
Marian Rejewski – one of the brilliant Polish code breakers
Henryk Zygalski
H. Zygalski enroute to Algeria
Maj. M.Z. Rygor-Slowikowski being decorated by Gen. Jacob Devers
At Cadix. Mrs. Mary Bertrandis in the foreground
Polish code breakers at Cadix(L to R): Jan Gralinski,Jerzy Rozyckiand Piotr Smolenski.They all died during the M/SLamoriciere’s accident inJanuary, 1942
Polish and Spanish code breakers at “Cadix”.M.Rejewski (first from the left),H.Zygalski (fourth from the left),J.Rozycki (sixth from the left),Eng. A.Palluth (eighth from the left)
Rejewski’s documents issued in Spain